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Date: 1/29/2024
Subject: PPYC Targeted Email
From: PPYC Communications

PPYC-U is In Your Zone

Cooking and Food Safety Class

You are receiving this special invitation because you noted in your membership that you had an interest in Food Preparation or that you would like to volunteer for PPYC in the area of Food Preparation or Social Events.
Well, this opportunity is specifically for you! Especially if you are newer to the club or haven't been able to take this class in past years. Richard Lewis is a professional food and event manager and owner of Top Dog Productions. He is always 100% prepared. The class is informative, fast moving yet covers essential details that you will take back to your own kitchens and events. I have taken this class and continue to use what I learned. Not only that I got to eat some delicious food because this isn't just theory, but it is also hands on and tasty!
Please don't delay in signing up because we need to know how much food to order.

Percy Priest Yacht Club  .  PO Box 290485  .  Nashville, TN 37229