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Date: 1/11/2022
Subject: PPYC Email Broadcast: Brief Member Survey
From: PPYC Board Of Directors

A Very Brief Survey
Of Our Members
Please Respond

A Brief Survey — Responding should take just a few minutes


The PPYC Board will be devoting some of its time this year to long-range strategic planning for our Club — assessing where we are now, what we believe we need to be as the future unfolds, and what we need to do to be that kind of Club. One of the most valuable sources of input to us in this endeavor will our Members — how you perceive us now and what thoughts you may have about how we can continue to provide benefits commensurate with our fees. So we would sincerely appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us by taking this survey.


Although you will have the option of responding anonymously, you must log in to take the survey [this is for Active Members only.] Also, if you ask any questions, we will not be able to respond unless you either select “No” on anonymity at the beginning or include contact information with your question.


Click here to respond to the survey: Brief Member Survey

Thank you,

PPYC Board Of Directors

Percy Priest Yacht Club

PO Box 290485
Nashville, TN 37229

Percy Priest Yacht Club  .  PO Box 290485  .  Nashville, TN 37229