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HomePPYC Fees

Our Fees

PPYC's fees are very reasonable, and we try to keep them that way. Volunteers within our membership are a major part of our ability to do that. Here is our current fee schedule:

Club Membership *
  • Full member -- $180.00
  • Provisional Member -- $180.00
  • Student Member -- $50.00
  • Honorary Member -- $0.00
Club Boat Program Membership

Club members in good standing who wish to have access to our Club Boats pay an additional annual fee, currently $450.00*. See the Club Boat Program page for details of the great benefits a member gets for this nominal fee.

* Note: Applicable sales taxes are added to each of our fees.

Percy Priest Yacht Club  .  PO Box 290485  .  Nashville, TN 37229